Simple Ways to Prioritize Play in Your Life

Does it feel like you only have two options: achieve your goals or enjoy your life. Neither one ever gets to be one hundred percent fulfilled. 

How many times have you caught yourself saying “I don’t have enough time” or “I wish there were more hours in the day?” But Is this really the truth? 

Unfortunately, the demands of work, career, education, family, and homeownership typically seem to take priority over self-care, fun, or anything that doesn’t outwardly “look” productive. 

Relaxation, self-care, time for fun and for yourself “might” be scheduled as a once-a-month outing or even an annual vacation. However, when only done occasionally, making it happen can feel like work and create even more stress.

There’s the planning... 

and coordinating with your family to make it happen….

 and not enough time  (or so it seems) for downtime. 

Are you waiting for retirement to enjoy your life? Many working moms feel as though they are waiting to have more free time for their life to happen rather than creating the life they want.

Keep reading to find out WHY play is so important to your self-care and overall well-being, as well as some simple ways to make it happen.

WHY is play important?

It has been shown that while it can typically take hundreds of repetitions to learn something new - when done as play - that number can decrease to as little as 10-20.  So if you're serious about learning something new - then make it playful.  

Because you are more focused when you are involved in an activity, you can even experience some of the same benefits as a meditation or mindfulness practice.

In addition that you learn a new task better when it's fun and you’ll also be in a relaxed and playful mood. 

Play can :

  • Stimulate your imagination, helping you adapt and solve problems 

  • Improve relationships and your connection to others

  • Provide Stress relief

  • Provide physical movement

  • Improve your memory

  • As well as, sharing laughter and fun can foster empathy, compassion, trust, and intimacy with others.

Simple ways to prioritize more play in your day

So now that you know why it is important - you might be thinking “well that sounds great - but how am I supposed to fit it in? I barely get a free second to myself”. 

You need to INTENTIONALLY  plan time for play just like you would meals, a doctor or any other activity that you want to make sure actually happens.  Here are some tips to help you stick to your promise…

  • find your partner (partners) in crime.  Whether it’s a specific individual for each activity, someone who’s “game for anything”, or a group that’s already focused on that activity. Having people to “play” with will help make it easier to get and stay involved.  (We do this for our kids - why shouldn’t we have the same support)

  • Add some music (and maybe a shimmy) - whether you're in the car, doing the dishes or breaking into an all-out dance party - just crank the tunes and bust a move.

  • Get out - take a class, grab a bike or pickle ball courts seem to be out numbering Starbucks. 

So what was your favorite activity as a kid that you are looking to rekindle? Legos? Play-doh? Coloring?  Biking? 

Or what new activity have you always wanted to try but never made the time? There’s no one way and no wrong way to play - as long as you’re having fun!

I would love to know what you pick - leave it in the comments below. 

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