Super Simple Self-Care Strategies to Start Today!

When you say "self-care," many people think of the luxuries of expensive spa days or weekends away. Self-care is actually a necessary part of your day-to-day lives to help you manage stress and contribute to your daily happiness and productivity, By incorporating some of these simple tips I’m going to share consistently - just a couple of minutes every day- you can really begin to make a difference

The first tip is to do your self-care regularly. Being able to say "No", taking some social media breaks, and really carving out some time for you - even 10 minutes a day - can make a difference. Examples of what to do include walking, yoga, meditation, journaling, coffee break, reading, laughing, doing something creative. By filling up your own emotional cup first, you’re in a better position to then help others.

The second tip is to practice gratitude. By focusing our attention on what we’re grateful, for we can have the perspective and the peace that we need to be happy. Gratitude makes a healthier, more energetic, less stressed + anxious, sleep better.

The third tip is taking regular breathing breaks. Deep breathing decreases your cortisol levels and can help lower blood pressure and heart rate. I have clients set an alarm on their phones to remind them to take regular breathing breaks throughout the day. Just pause for 30 seconds to a minute and breathe. By taking about 5 to 10 deep breaths at least three or four times you have incorporated 2 to 4 minutes of beneficial self-care. It provides an instant mood shift.

This also allows you the time to gauge some of your physical self-care needs. Are you sleeping enough? Are you eating healthy? Are you drinking enough water? Are you moving enough? Having these healthy habits and routines in place are also important to your self-care and overall emotional well-being.

The last self-care tip has to do with your task and time management. Making sure you are not overburdening yourself with too many things that can realistically fit in one day. This is important for mental health because not having this balance can increase stress, anxiety, and depression - which many times can be expressed as anger as well.

Please let me know which tip you plan to start first - I would love to help support your practice. Reach out if you have any questions!

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