"Mom - I'm bored..." - Summer Staycation Ideas to Bust the Boredom


Mom, I’m bored….

Summer’s here and before you know it, the excitement of being out of school can quickly fade - leaving you and the kids wondering - now what?

As much as everyone loves a vacation, sometimes that just isn’t possible. Planning some intentional, fun, and different activities can make a “staycation” feel a little less like staying at home.

Here are 3 tips to help create a staycation that’s relaxing, rejuvenating, and fun for the whole family:

  1. Have realistic expectations. Set some ground rules with your family so that everybody has the same expectations. Set a budget for the week so that your staycation doesn’t end up costing more than if you actually went away.

  2. Start off the staycation time well-rested. Take that first night to go to bed early, sleep in late, and even take a nap the next day. If you’re exhausted it’s never going to feel like fun.

  3. Include the kids in the planning process. Ask them what they want to do - within reason. Find opportunities to say “yes” more. Sometimes, in our day-to-day life, we focus on what we can’t do - rather than what we can do.

While everyone has different ideas of “fun” - having some variety and novelty always helps. Some of the activities listed can be modified to different age groups in different ways, so see what works for you:

  • Try and be outside as much as possible. Maybe go for a hike and/or a picnic. Finding new places to explore in your town can make you feel like you’re somewhere else.

  • S'mores and a bonfire are always a favorite at any age.

  • Technology may be something we tend to struggle with our kids about - what’s the right amount of time? How much is too much? While you don’t want them on devices constantly, you also don’t want them to feel like you are torturing them by asking them to give them up. Finding a way to let them positively use their phones may be part of the compromise you are looking for.

  • Doing a scavenger hunt with their phones while on the hike is one option. I’ll have my kids do a challenge where they have to post 5 photos a day, which can really help you see the world through their eyes. What kinds of things do they notice when out on a hike? Everyone can get together later for a big family slideshow, where everyone gets to share what they saw and what they noticed.

  • That being said though, I also think taking some time to unplug during your staycation is so important. Doing an actual scavenger hunt to find items to collect, bike rides, puzzles, even just talking (yes people still do that :) ). Using “Would you Rather” or “If” style questions or even trivia can get the conversation started.

  • Some other fun, interactive activities include “Minute to Win It” style family games (Pinterest has some great ideas), laser tag, roller skating, or indoor rock climbing. Activities, where everyone is actively engaged, can really help form those memories they will reminisce about for years. (If everyone can agree & let fate decide - putting some ideas in a hat and picking from there is also really fun and spontaneous.)

  • Food! Who doesn’t love food! Look at having a fun finger food night or “around the world”, with each night having a different theme. Cooking challenge shows are pretty popular right now and you could also do something along the lines of “create your most interesting dish with five random ingredients”. It’s a great way to laugh, connect, and make memories.

  • There are some fantastic online city tours, museums, state parks, and zoos. You can virtually travel anywhere you’ve wanted to go!

  • Crafts are also a great activity - it even helps you create a souvenir from your week. You can create your own paint night, knot blankets, bead bracelets, whatever - follow your interests - there is no wrong way to be creative! (I use Pinterest again a lot for inspiration).

While none of us are professional party planners, you can still find ways to have creative and fun experiences with your kids and without breaking the bank. Finding ways to really be present when you're together, savoring a slow down in your day by doing something - but not trying to do everything, and just having fun! Let me know if any of these ideas inspired you or if you have any other ones to share!

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