Habit Hacks to Live a Lifestyle You Love


“Habits are to the soul what roots are to a tree - the foundation of stability and growth” - Best D Life

Living a lifestyle you love has nothing to do with wanting, wishing, willing, or dreaming it into existence.

It comes from DOING. The things you do every day help to imprint and automate behaviors, to ensure that they happen consistently.

What I like to refer to as habits, systems, and routines.


Habits make up about 40% of our day. It doesn’t matter if they’re good or bad - if they’re done consistently, we will typically tend to repeat them. Habits make up the pulse or the heartbeat of your day.

By examining the habits you currently have, as well as those you want to add, you can make the choice to“habit” yourself into the life you want to lead.

Habits can also help eliminate decision fatigue. By automating certain areas of our lives, we can save our energy for the things that really need it. Having an AM routine and a PM routine can not only help reduce decision fatigue but also ensure that self-care is regularly incorporated into your day.
Help you feel less stressed, use your time more productively, and just make your day run smoother.

The idea of adding habits and systems can sound overwhelming. We feel like we’re already stretched so thin - how could I possibly add one more thing?
The thing is Habits actually GIVE you more time and help free up space to do the things you want to do (even if that is doing nothing at all).

The right habits and strategies can help you get:

-unstuck from a routine that’s draining or unfulfilling
-give you more time to do the thing you love with the people you care about
-provide a consistent, efficient flow and calm to your day to day
-release self-doubt or limiting beliefs around opportunities you want to explore


There are 3 key components when it comes to adding new systems and routines into your life. They are Clarity, Connection, and Consistency.

Clarity- Decide what you want to do, pick just ONE thing to either add, change, or get rid of completely. Overwhelm can cause paralysis, procrastination and overwhelm. So even though it may seem small, you really can only focus on one new thing at a time. Until it becomes automated and ingrained into your day.

Connection- Have a plan for the steps in your new habit, as well as how to remind yourself every day. Whether it’s a reminder on your phone, a sticky note on your mirror, or even family/friends for accountability - just have a plan. By choosing what works for you or has meaning to you is what increases the chances that you will stick with it.

Consistency- “Consistency helps turn the thing you thought you could never do into things that you can’t live without.” Give yourself some grace - no person or process is perfect. That’s ok. Don’t be so hard on yourself and don’t give up.

Sometimes it’s not about adding new habits but eliminating bad habits. Learning to SET BOUNDARIES and SAY NO to the things that don’t serve us or overwhelm us MAY be the habit.

Ultimately, it’s not about having “perfect” days, but intentionally creating the days that are perfect for you. Building in the structure and consistency that comes with habits can help you find the right blend of the things you want to do, along with the things you have to do.

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