Keeping It Real: Build Your Business Without the Fluff with Kristen Johnson

Creating a genuine connection with your audience – it's a concept that Kristen Johnson redefines as the cornerstone of effective marketing. It's not just about capturing leads but engaging with people as individuals with respect and authenticity. She believes that weaving your personal journey into your brand's messaging can deeply resonate with people. This human touch transforms customers into a community.

Kristen is an award-winning marketing and communications leader with more than 20 years of experience. She designs affordable websites for startups, small businesses, and nonprofits.

Throughout her career, she has worked in journalism, health care, higher education, advertising, tech, and advocacy. She was the first person in her family to attend college and holds a graduate certificate in Marketing Management and Digital Strategy from Harvard.

Today, she works full-time for herself building websites for small businesses and nonprofits. Supporting women is a cornerstone of her business. She's the webmaster for the Fifty Fabulous Women Giving Circle. She's also a member of the Communications and Development Committee for the Western New York Women's Foundation and a sponsor of their 2023 Women's Leadership Summit. Finally, she offers her marketing and web design skills pro bono to women running for all levels of public office through Get Her Elected.

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